school games

Origins and Values of School Games

The School Games are an annual sporting competition in the United Kingdom for elite school-age athletes. They are sponsored by the National Physical Education and Skills Council (NPSF) and began in 2006. The games are designed to develop physical literacy in young people and increase their self-esteem. Read more about the origins and values of school games.

Origins of the School Games

The history of school games dates back to the Victorian era. In the nineteenth century, schoolchildren played a variety of games, from cricket to football. These games were viewed as a way to instill values such as camaraderie and co-operation. They also helped develop gentleman amateurs, who played games in the spirit of the game.

However, a variety of barriers have prevented teachers from successfully integrating games into their classrooms. These barriers have included insufficient time to learn the educational components of the games, limited access to computers in the classroom, lack of appropriate support materials, insufficient pc technology, and a lack of site licenses to run these games on school networks.

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